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This concerns only delta builds outside of the usual measurements. Im currently working with 1000mm hight and 664 triangle side. From what I learned about seeing my machine in action Im designing a bigger bracket, that will have a double row of vslots like on the bottom. Also I think we need to increase the contact surface from the vslot to the bracket. I think adding screw holes on all sides would get more of the wiggle out of the construction. The same btw also goes for the bottom bracket Since we have more space around the slot on the bottom bracket it will also get a higher sleeve. Crossbracing works very well be limits the print size to within the basetriangle so Im trying to find solution that either move the anchor for the braces outside of the printbed, which will results in a pretty hefty anchor OR design the brackets to be stable enough without cross braces.

Reinforced top bracket for Deltas
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Reinforced top bracket for Deltas
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)