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If you want to be able to have a monitor on your transmitter, but also being able to use it on your goggles and you happen to have a Quanum DYI goggles kit, then this is your lucky day! This kit allows you to move your Quanum FPV DIY monitor back and forth from your goggles to your transmitter with ease!. Instructions: 1) Cut the foam from the goggles as per pictures 2) Print all the required parts (test parts before gluing anything together, if necessary, use sandpaper to smooth surfaces to ensure proper sliding) 3) Sand off the back of the monitor such that the "lump" on the back is 4mm tall. (the reason for this step, is because tolerances on the print changes from printer to printer, and this is the best way to ensure a tight fit when using the transmitter bracket.) 4) assemble transmitter mount 5)Hot glue the monitor to the "screen box" (the "screen box part becomes strong once it is glue to the monitor, make sure you use enough glue to secure the monitor) 6) Hot glue the "goggles back plate full" to the foam goggles (after installing all other required components, like lense holder) 7) Assemble the transmitter mount and install 8) Assemble the monitor holder to the transmitter mount by using some bolts, washers and wing nuts. 9)Enjoy! Credits for the stand holder for the Turnigy 9X goes to its maker 1) Cut the foam from the goggles as per pictures 2) Print all the required parts (test parts before gluing anything together, if necessary, use sandpaper to smooth surfaces to ensure proper sliding) 3) Sand off the back of the monitor such that the "lump" on the back is 4mm tall. (the reason for this step, is because tolerances on the print changes from printer to printer, and this is the best way to ensure a tight fit when using the transmitter bracket.) 4) assemble transmitter mount 5)Hot glue the monitor to the "screen box" (the "screen box part becomes strong once it is glue to the monitor, make sure you use enough glue to secure the monitor) 6) Hot glue the "goggles back plate full" to the foam goggles (after installing all other required components, like lense holder) 7) Assemble the transmitter mount and install 8) Assemble the monitor holder to the transmitter mount by using some bolts, washers and wing nuts. 9)Enjoy!

Quanum FPV goggles mount kit for Turnigy 9X
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$ 0.00 + free delivery
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 07
  • 0 parts
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Quanum FPV goggles mount kit for Turnigy 9X
Delivery (May 06 - May 08)