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Have one of these and one of these and wish they worked together? Wish no longer! this is a small adapter piece for the original 3DS that snaps into place in the handgrip and snugly fits the extended battery so you can play for hours AND play without hand cramps at the same time! Unfortunately the 3DS does stick out a bit over the handgrip due to the extended battery's height, so this is not quite as comfortable as the handgrip is with the stock battery, but its much better than no grip at all. This adapter probably only fits this specific battery, but you might have luck using it with other handgrips. Cheers!whatever settings should be fine - it's not a difficult print. It is designed to snap in, so if you notice your first layer is slightly wider (due to smooshing the filament into the bed a bit hard on the first layer) you'll want to remove that with a razor.

Nintendo 3DS Original Extended Battery Handgrip Adapter
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Nintendo 3DS Original Extended Battery Handgrip Adapter
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)