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!SHIP NOT INCLUDED! :) There are lots of storage solutions for these tiny ships, but I wanted something that would allow me to carry just one ship (or a couple) rather than having to always take an entire box with me UPDATE: 17/9/15: I've altered the hinges on all boxes to make them a little better. All STL's are re-uploaded. So far I have included boxes for: “Will you be making a box for…” Yes, but I need the ships to measure, so as I get new ships I'll make new boxes. If there’s enough demand for a particular box I’ll borrow it from my friend who has them all, so please let me know on our Facebook page: or the comments section here :) I'd love to see how yours come out so please post pictures! I have also created Pilot and Damage/Upgrade card boxes in the same style, you can find them here: EXTRA! I've created a booklet of additional X-Wing missions in the style of the ones you get with the Core Set and expansions. There's missions for all three factions, including some 3-sided ones. You can download them from here: - Enjoy! Big thanks to my friends Bill and Andy for lending me the Decimator, Aggressor, Firespray and the Yt1300. Print as placed, they should fit on any type of printer since they are pretty small. I use the following to print: 1.75mm PLA, .15 layer height, 0 perimeters, no supports/raft/brim should be necessary. The Logos on the Lid: These are printed separately. Just glue them on afterwards (or not!) The Hinge: You'll need a bit of 1.75mm filament for the hinge pin, I hold a lighter to the sticking-out-end of the filament once it's inserted into the hinge for about 1-2 seconds, then use a wet finger to push the hot end a little (be careful!) that'll be enough to make the filament bulge out and stop it sliding around (do this to both ends). Finishing: The clip at the front is quite tight when first printed, it needs a bit of sanding/filing down (just a few seconds) to get it to a place that you're happy with. I like it to really grip the box so it's very hard to flip open, but you can just sand it down a little more to tune it to your needs.

X-Wing Miniatures game ship boxes
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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X-Wing Miniatures game ship boxes
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)