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Update - April 25, 2015 - sorry, i'v been busy and have not worked on this in like a month.... the design is pretty much done. you'll need to get the MDF laser cut, reuse the x/y cartage from the da vinci, reuse the build plate, buy new rods and 20 tooth pulleys for the y cartage, and buy your own hardware.... now that i thing about it i need to go back and edit some holes for mounting parts onto the laser cut wood, so i'll do that when i can. Update - March 30, 2015 - good news everyone! i took a a break for spring break, and im back at it. Also more good news everyone! while i was taking a break i really thought about the design, and decided to throw out the 2nd iteration and make the 3rd. which uses the exact same style as the da vinci 1.0 currently does, so there will be no need to buy a ramps 1.4, and you wont even need to switch the firmware at all! The current design is focusing on making the overall size of the printer significantly smaller which i have achieved, and kept the same build area, even reusing the z axis/bed. The .STLs of the body which will be cut out in 1/4" MDF have holes where the rods go so they can over extend outside of the current area of the printer, so you dont have to cut the linear rods down to size before making sure your newly built printer works. I'm searching around for a place to cut the body laser cut, and think i found a place, so i should have a working prototype in a couple weeks hopefully much sooner. Update - March 16, 2015 - I have mirrored the motor mount for the other side, and created the bottom piece for the printer. Tomorrow i'll be working on the Z axis, and some joining plates for the body. Update - March 15, 2015 - Bad news everyone! turns out with the upgrade you'll have to buy a ramps 1.4 board kit because the da vinci board is different from all other 3d printer's control board that the repitier firmware ( 0.91 and 0.92 ) that are now out were nearly a complete redesign of repitier, so no one wants to redo it over to fit a H-bot. The wood i'v chose to go with for the frame is 1/4" MDF which ill be picking up 3 1/4" x 2' x 4' pieces from home depot for only $6 a piece, which should be enough for the entire frame. Side are now designed aswell as one motor mount. Update - March 14, 2015 - I started designing the H-bot style design, and uploaded the .STL. Theres still a lot of work to do, but im working on it when ever i have time. The only problem i foresee would be the repitier firmware ( 0.91 or .92 ) will have to be changed to accept a H-bot style firmware. I am not a software guy, so i have made a post on soliforum for help about the firmware. feel free to ask for the updated .STLs if you desire, or any help with the firmware will be appreciated! Update - March 13, 2015 - design is completely changing by first dropping the expensive 80x20 etrusions , and going with a wood frame similar to the original ultimaker. Second, after making the CAD files for the first design I realized a h-bot/core xy design makes much more sense with the hardware provided by the da Vinci. My hope is to get this upgrade done for well under $100 with only needing a sheet of wood not sure of thickness yet maybe 1/4", and a long timing belt. Pulleys and all other parts will be printed on your da Vinci prior to upgrading. This is my take on redesigning the Da vinci 1.0 using 80x20 aluminum extrusions, and all the hardware from the da vinci. THIS IS NOT FINISHED YET, AND WILL NOT COMPLETE A PRINTER! If anyone would be interested i can release the .STLs, so someone can design off what i all ready have, or i can release the files once im done with my own design.

Da vinci 3.0 (redesigning the Da Vinci 1.0)
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Da vinci 3.0 (redesigning the Da Vinci 1.0)
Delivery (May 10 - May 12)