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I designed this holder to hold/protect my DJI GPS, and I recently noticed that someone on E-Bay is selling 3D-printed GPS protectors like crazy and thought there might be some interest out there. Update: I just remembered that I have two versions of the stand: one that uses a standard 6-32 nut and bolt (the type you would find at Home Depot) and another that uses an M3 (3mm) nut and bolt. (Even though the bolts are very similar in size, the 6-32 nuts tend to be a lot larger.) I originally posted the 6-32 stand, and if you have printed this one, you can still use it, but you will need a 6-32 nut & bolt instead of a M3 nut and bolt.Most other GPS holders I have seen use a wood or sheet metal screw to attach the holder parts together and to attach the holder to the airframe. To me, that seems pretty weak. So, with this one, I print the stand in three parts, and each end has a spot for an actual metal nut. I then glue the parts together using ABS dissolved in acetone (homemade glue--and if you haven't tried this, you should!). You can also just use model glue or ABS pipe glue from Home Depot. There are two versions of the stand: one that supports a standard 6-32 nut and bolt and another that supports an M3 nut and bolt. The files are named appropriately to help you identify which is which.

DJI GPS Holder/Protector
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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DJI GPS Holder/Protector
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)