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Edit: I created this using my personal Magsafe adapter, which is model A1344. Took it to work to put it in practice which is when I realized that the various wattage adapters and series have their 'wings' spaced differently, even some have different diameter cable molding. So be forewarned that this is not a one-size-fits-all model. All of us who have Apple MacBook computers know how delicate the power adapter cord is. I work for an independent Apple dealer and we use our AC adapter's all the time servicing customer computers. So they get dragged around all over the place suffering considerable wear. So what I made here is a bit of a thing that the two halves come together over the cable and under the 'wings' that flip-out to wind the cord with. The horn bit in the middle holds the weakest part of the cable firmly and then only allows the movable bit to bend in a long clean arc. That way no sharp bends or kinks in the cable. Hopefully it'll help our adapters to last a bit longer. I made the tolerances pretty tight so cohesion alone should hold them in place, but if your printer's settings are a bit loose you can use a zip tie around the 'horn' to keep it in place.

Apple Magsafe Power Adapter Stress Reliever
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 12
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Apple Magsafe Power Adapter Stress Reliever
Delivery (May 11 - May 13)