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Here is a relief globe that includes the sea bottom. It was created using the program "globe" by DJ Moews available under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Globe can be downloaded from The data is derived from the Scripps SRTM30_PLUS V8.0 data set which is copyright but can be used for non-commercial purposes - see srtm30plus_copyright.txt for the license. The derived data set, srtm30plus, the input to globe, is at Two stl files are provided: n_hemisphere.stl and s_hemisphere.stl When printed and joined together the two files produce a globe about 5 inches in diameter. The red version in the image above was scaled by 0.8. The input command for globe was: globe --map altitude data/srtm30plus 5400 2700 sbigendiandibyte --gridpoints 512 --map-scale 60 --cut-plane 0 0 1 --explode 1000000 >bigz.stl. The two pieces of the globe were separated, centered, and scaled to give n_hemisphere.stl and s_hemisphere.stl. On my Replicator I used two shells and 2% infill and printed the files directly on the build platform. This minimizes warping and the two halves join at the equator with a nearly invisible seam. Program globe can output the globe in multiple pieces and a 6 inch globe was constructed using 4 pieces. It was not fully successful because of ABS warping at the thin edges. If planes 1 0 0 and 0 1 0 are used for cutting warping imperfections are collected at the poles. A 6 inch globe takes over 20 hours to print.

Earth Relief Globe
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Earth Relief Globe
Delivery (May 05 - May 07)