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No Universe can go without the King of Polygon! Phooky beat me by uploading a printable Utah but useless for teadrinking. Took me a few hours of modeling to get a teaproof Utah, proper solid model, no holes, manifold. Wall thickness is ±3 mm and I added a rim for the lid to rest on. The model is based on the 3ds primitive since I was never able to import the original data (thanks Phooky for explaining). So fire up your machine and print an analog Utah!Use original size for proper wall thickness, half might work too. Probably needs support material here and there, did not try yet. Let your Gcode generator crunch on it for a while, took me 6+ hours in Skeinforge...

Utah Teapot (teaproof version)
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Utah Teapot (teaproof version)
Delivery (May 09 - May 11)