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This is a replacement trigger for a Crosman Stinger P36 Airsoft pistol. My son broke a pin on the original trigger, so I made a new one. may be a suitable replacement on other airsoft pistols with a similar mechanism, so I thought I'd share in case anybody else has a broken airsoft collecting dust that can use this part.Print this part as oriented. Using the file P36_Airsoft_trigger_helper.stl prints the part with helper disks as well. this helps a lot since there is little contact with the build plate without them. I printed this without support, other than the helper disks; this part requires some decent bridging to print it, but it came out great with the helper disks. I printed it on my Rep2 in MakerWare, at medium quality (sliced with Makerbot Slicer) with the following settings: Infill: 100% shells: 1 Layer Height: 0.1 no raft or support. Speed was 100 when extruding, and 150 when travelling. Extruder temp was at 235C (as I printed it in Ultimachine black PLA) It turned out perfect. Once printed, break off the helper disks (if you used that version of the file). You may need to file and sand the trigger and pins a little to get it to fit right and move freely, which is typical when installing a new trigger on anything (Be it a firearm, airgun, paintball gun or airsoft gun). In this case, very little was needed to be done to get it tuned.add a dab of super lube to the pins when installing for best results. Hope someone gets some use out of this. I also included a version without helper disks, for those who want to print in a different way, or modify it to fit another model. The trigger itself was made in Wings3D, the pins were made and added using TinkerCAD, which proved to be the easiest and most painless method. I included my Wings file for those who may want to modify with a different pin layout for a different model as well. By the way, If you find other models this trigger will work in without any trouble, post the model in the comments so others will know if it works in theirs or not. And If you make a derivative to work with a different model, please share it so others can get some use out of it. Remember, a broken airsoft is a terrible thing to waste.Thanks!

P36 Airsoft Trigger
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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P36 Airsoft Trigger
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)