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A portable gaming system built using a Raspberry Pi and touchscreen display for the Raspberry Pi with Java book. Kid tested and approved!The NightHacking RetroPi is designed to be straightforward to print (no generated supports required), straightforward to source (almost everything can be ordered from one supplier), and simple to assemble (snap together design). I do go into more detail in my book, but want this to be a project anyone can print, so I have included all the source files, instructions, and detailed pictures here. If there is something I missed, please let me know and I will include it. Here is what you need to finish the project: For printing, I recommend 100 micron layer height (or finer) and thick walls (>= 1mm). Most parts can be printed with minimal infill, except the pins, which I recommend doing at 80% infill or greater. All the parts are oriented in the correct position in the exported STL files except for the pins (which should be printed with the nuts facing the build platform. To assemble the RetroPi, here is the basic list of steps (with the corresponding pictures roughly in order): Here are the button assignments: To run games, I have a modified version of the Java HalfNes emulator with GPIO controller support. You can find that codebase here: The Raspberry Pi comes with Java preinstalled, so you just need to load this project up in NetBeans and do a remote deployment. The main class is com.grapeshot.halfnes.JavaFXNES. I also recommend the following "tweaks" to your /boot/config.txt: I also recommend a little overclocking. I did some burn-in testing, and these values seem to be pretty reliable on my Raspberry Pi 2 (your mileage may vary): Regardless of whether you overclock or not, you will need to change the governor on the Raspberry Pi 2 to be more aggressive so it will perform better. The default governor sees that only 1 CPU is busy and will throttle you to 600MHz, which is no good: echo "performance" | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor Good luck with printing and assembling your RetroPi, and please let me know how your project goes by commenting on the project here and posting pictures of your creation!

NightHacking RetroPi
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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NightHacking RetroPi
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)