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Bodybuilding vs Running/Training and sport
I never did much running in college, but I tried to gain weight and strength in the gym. I quickly realized through observation and the equivalent of let's run message boards-the body building forums. com-that supplements and at a higher level "gear" are a big part of bodybuilding. They don't try to hide it. In fact, they don't deny it.

The funniest thing...I think there's a drug test in bodybuilding competitions; it's pretty much a joke. I don't believe they hold their athletes to the level of the VAD by means of random drug tests during the season.

However-I followed the doping threads on lets run and was interested in comparing bodybuilding to running.

I saw one thread that at one point gave a positive result to most of the top 100-meter sprinters. In addition, I have read opinions that most world distance records are not clean, and most athletes in the final at the WC or Olympic Games are under minimal suspicion anyway.

Does running or Jogging becomes the bodybuilding from the point of view of chemical strengthening? How many guys in the gym take creatine, protein, fuel, and whatever else they sell at GNC. Although it's not so visually obvious - how many runners are taking supplements to help.

Besides, there's always a guy or two in the gym on the roids. It's pretty clear. It's a little more obvious because you can see their progress with their muscle mass. recreational distance running will become one where in each group or on each route there will be guys/girls who are at some" higher level " of pharmacy? I've heard that amateur cycling is already like that.
drascons - Fitness and diet. Your thoughts? Fitness has gotten a little more difficult today due to the COVID-19 situation. Diet is generally important in sports. Maintaining health in sports is always beneficial. Because if you eat a lot, then the result for a good physique or muscle gain is not possible. At the moment, people simply do not even know how to follow a diet. People, I advise you to contact your coach and ask him about the diet, as well as learn to gain weight or, on the contrary, lose weight for a good physique. What I recently saw on one site might also help you. Bacteriostatic water from was really amazing.
3 years, 6 months ago
kassadi - be very careful and use only reliable and safe substances.
3 years, 6 months ago
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2 years, 6 months ago
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2 years, 5 months ago
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2 years, 5 months ago
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2 years, 5 months ago
igor8 - In getting rid of excess weight, or rather its fat component, some of the muscle tissue valuable for the athlete is inevitably lost as well, which cannot be built up without gaining fat mass. This gives the impression that running, which relentlessly burns kilocalories, cannot be a priori useful for a bodybuilder. But looking at it from a different angle, we can conclude that jogging can remove extra pounds and accelerate the gain of muscle mass. Fortunately, I am a track and field athlete, and such questions do not bother me. Recently I had a birthday party, and no matter how symbolic it may sound, all my relatives gave me sport-related items, even scales
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2 years, 3 months ago
denial - Bodybuilding is a good option indeed! I have now even started using supplements from the site and set myself a clear goal in terms of shape and weight for this winter. This should help me achieve my goals better.
1 year, 11 months ago
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1 year, 10 months ago
denial - I am engaged in bodybuilding, and some factors are important here, such as additional nutrition, sports supplements. Protein is an important building material for new tissues and cells. With its lack, the muscles will not grow, but rather, on the contrary, they will begin to collapse. so products like are essential
1 year, 8 months ago
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