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7 Dog Training Tips For Beginners
Dog training is the most essential aspect of dog care. If your dog is well-trained, it will be beneficial and give you peace of mind.

Here is the list of 7 simple and effective dog training tips for beginners. See for better reach.

1) Always have treats ready for your dog

It is essential always to have the dog’s favorite treats in your pocket. When you see your dog trying to eat something else, give them their favorite treat. It will help them get accustomed to your commands, and you won’t need other means to get the job done.

2) Always praise your dog

Always praise your dog when he does something good. It will encourage him to do more things, and it will motivate him to do something more. Praise your dog daily and give him food whenever you notice he did something good.

3) Do not yell at your dog

When you talk to your dog in a loud voice, it will scare him and will make him feel insecure. Yelling is not a way to communicate with your dog; instead, try to speak calmly, which will be more effective.

4) Never hit your dog

Never hit your dog, even if he is being naughty. It will only harm your dog and will make him scared. Instead, use a firm voice and calmly scold your dog.

5) Do not leave your dog alone

Ensure you never leave your dog alone for a more extended period. Your dog may become bored and lonely and start doing things you don’t like.

6) Make your dog stay away from the garbage

If your dog is free to sniff around the garbage, he will eventually end up eating the trash or might even break the trash, and that is different from what you want. Ensure that you put the garbage in the correct bins and that your dog stays away from it.

7) Give your dog some exercise

Do not keep your dog locked in a house or a cage. Let your dog out and let him run around freely. If he is constantly cooped up, he becomes stressed and tired.

It is better to take your dog for some exercise in the morning and let him sleep for the rest of the day.


Finally, you will learn about the best dog training tips for beginners using all the points above.
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