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Anabolic steroid
Anabolic steroids are chemicals that increase protein synthesis within the cells of the body and lead to increased muscle
carlos32 - By mechanism of action, steroids are divided into anabolic (hypertrophy and tissue growth by increasing the body's ability to convert protein into muscle cells) and androgenic (enhancement of secondary male sexual characteristics, including possible baldness and back hair growth). is still the best in the business! Because anabolic steroids are fat-soluble, they can freely penetrate all organs of the body, including the brain. Therefore, they affect not only muscle growth, but also self-esteem and the level of criticality of one's actions, while increasing irritability and inflating sexual desire.
9 months, 4 weeks ago
gagaj - Despite the risk of side effects, professional athletes resort to steroids in order to “get off the ground” and gain another 5-10 kg of muscle. At the same time, they use anabolics under medical supervision and in the form of harm-reducing combined courses
9 months, 4 weeks ago
steave - Legit steroid sites that accept credit cards on-line steroid stores in The USA? Do you need to purchase steroids on-line within the USA?
5 months, 3 weeks ago
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