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In many legal systems, avokats are bound by a strict code of ethics and professional conduct. This code ensures that lawyers uphold the highest standards of integrity and confidentiality. The attorney-client privilege, a fundamental principle of the legal profession, means that avokats must maintain strict confidentiality regarding their clients' affairs, fostering trust and open communication.<a href="">avokat</a>
scollwas1958 - The attorney-client privilege is a legal principle that protects the confidentiality of communications between lawyers and their clients. This privilege allows clients to share sensitive and confidential information with their attorneys without fear of it being disclosed to others, including in a court of law. This confidentiality encourages clients to be open and honest with their lawyers, ensuring effective legal representation.
8 months, 1 week ago
neal - <a href="LINK">ANCOR</a>

8 months, 1 week ago
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