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Be yourself
Dating is a lot like tiptoeing back home after a late-night and not waking up the parents. One of the dating tips for beginners to swear-by is to find that tricky balance between being yourself but not too much.

Stick to the golden rule of putting your best foot forward for the initial phase of dating, and wait till you have established a connection with the other person before spilling out your deepest, darkest secrets. This is one of our early dating tips you must follow.
damian4 - Easy to say and difficult to translate into reality. I was always different in that I fell into a stupor at the sight of a beautiful girl and started talking nonsense. I was helped only by communication on the site here - I communicated at first anonymously and then openly both in chats and in private conversation. I was able to get over my shyness and started going on real dates.
2 years, 6 months ago
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