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Bitcoin transactions
Hey guys, I'm trying to choose bitcoin mixer to protect my personal data. Are there any specific features I should look for?
vlad9 - It has long been known that bitcoins are very easy to trace. So when you buy bitcoins and send them to other addresses and wallets, these transactions are visible to everyone and completely transparent. Don't neglect your opportunity to increase your personal anonymity, use a bitcoin mixer.
1 year, 1 month ago
eryka - Cryptocurrencies give a fairly high level of anonymity, but can still be traced. All transactions to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, to transfer them, eventually leave a trace and it is fully accessible to third parties. In fact, cryptocurrency transactions are not anonymous. Cryptocurrency mixers come to the rescue and prevent transactions from being traced from one user to another. The main task of a bitcoin mixer is to make any transfer confidential by interrupting the slightest connection with the person who owns the coins.
1 year, 1 month ago
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