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Can you advise me on the right way to promote music on Spotify?
Can you advise me on the right way to promote music on Spotify?
samjonson - Spotify has changed a lot in that time and has generally reduced the relevance of its user-created playlists, but recently I've found steady, organic subscriber growth across many of my playlists, using the same approaches I've been using for years - the same one. described here.
1 year, 3 months ago
phillip9 - Honestly, there are a lot of musicians struggling with this. I would promote it as much as possible, especially on tiktok, instagram, friends and acquaintances. Another cool idea is to buy subscribers and auditions here . I use this service sometimes when I release new songs. It's a good way to promote your songs so that your music is not only fun, but also money.
1 year, 3 months ago
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