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Compensating you for your injuries
Compensation for pain and suffering: You can claim compensation for the pain you experienced as a result of your injury. This would include any physical or mental anguish that you were forced to endure, such as nausea, headaches, insomnia and depression.

Compensation for lost earnings: If you were unable to work due to an accident then there may be an opportunity for you to receive compensation from the responsible party who caused this loss of earnings. This compensation will vary depending on how long it takes before they can return back into full-time employment again following their injuries; however there are various factors that must be taken into consideration before any settlement is made such as age range (i.e., whether someone is over 50 years old), previous history with regards their ability/disability rating etcetera…

Medical expenses: Any costs associated with medical treatment should also be reimbursed by whomever was responsible for causing these injuries through negligence or recklessness – especially since many insurance companies refuse coverage under certain circumstances even though it could mean saving thousands upon thousands of euro worth per annum! For example: If someone breaks both wrists while trying out some new tricks at skate park then no doubt they would require surgery in order not only repair damage but prevent further deterioration too…

We hope that this article has helped you understand the process of make a personal injury claim Cork. If you have been injured, it is important to seek medical attention immediately and get your claim started as soon as possible. Your first step should be to call a solicitor who specialises in personal injury cases so that they can assess your situation and advise on next steps – there are many factors involved in making sure that you get the compensation that reflects the severity of your injury or illness
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