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Do you like travelling?
How often you do it?
plierjones21 - I try to travel as often as possible. But a lot depends on when I get my vacation time at work. The last time I was in Mexico.
11 months, 3 weeks ago
frankoxfard88 - I'm not much of a jet-setter, but I try to hit the road whenever I can squeeze in the time. Just got back from a trip to Portugal last month. Absolutely stunning, I must say! The beaches in the Algarve are incredible and the food... oh, don't get me started on the food. I'm a sucker for a good resort too. But as a 20-something on a budget, I try to make smart choices. Here's a little secret, I always manage to snag cheap business class flights on . It's a game-changer, you feel like a VIP without breaking the bank. Definitely something to consider for your next trip!
11 months, 3 weeks ago
robinallen - Yes, I like it))
11 months, 3 weeks ago
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