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Does anyone have recommendations for a reliable Moving and Storage Service in Irvine?
Hey everyone! I'm currently in Irvine and planning a move. Does anyone have recommendations for a reliable Moving and Storage Service in Irvine? I've heard mixed reviews about some companies, and I want to make sure I choose one that's trustworthy and efficient. Any personal experiences or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
justin45 - I recently moved to Irvine, and I had a fantastic experience with UMOC Their team was professional, punctual, and handled my belongings with care. The whole process was smooth, and they even provided storage options for items I didn't immediately need. I highly recommend checking them out. Make sure to get a quote and discuss your specific needs with them. Good luck with your move!
4 months, 1 week ago
james149 - I moved last year, and they made the whole process smooth and worry-free. The staff was professional, and they took great care of my belongings. The storage options were convenient, especially for temporarily stashing some items. Plus, their customer service was top-notch. If you decide to go with them, I hope your move goes as smoothly as mine did! Best of luck!
4 months, 1 week ago
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