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DSP PC-Tool Version 5.00.08 and Windows 11 startup behaviours
All, this is just a fact finding mission to see if i have a PC issue or a incompatibility issue with the latest DSP software from ATF. If you chime in with other brands and off topic stuff, i will ask another mod to review and delete the post. Not a Brand A vs Brand B thing. I am looking for real input of substance, thanks.

Since I upgraded to DSP PC-Tool Version 5.00.08 i have incurred a problem on my Windows 11 machine. It works totally fine on Windows 10 no issues at all.

Issue: When i go to start the program it appears to start to boot up and then it just crashes. No evidence of it in the task manager as an open thread or task after the crash so nothing is left hanging. Just crashes and goes away. If i try launching the software over and over it appears to launch sometimes after 2 tries to any number of tries. Before the 5.00.08 version everything worked totally fine, no issues.

It is as if there is a conflict due to a race condition in the start up process over resources or libraries or something else. All of my other software works totally fine no issues.
Windows version and updates are current.

On my Windows 10 machine a MS Surface pro ( older machine earlier gen) everything works 100% no issues at all.

My Windows 11 machine is below totally stock no upgrades.

Any thoughts would be appreciated, and thanks!
gavnadafna - One thing to try is running the program in compatibility mode. Right-click on the program's shortcut, go to "Properties," and under the "Compatibility" tab, you can select Windows 10 compatibility mode. This might help resolve the issue.

By the way, if you ever need Windows keys for your computer, you can explore budget-friendly options on Reddit. There's a post about windows keys reddit at that might be helpful.

I hope you can find a solution to your DSP software issue on Windows 11. Compatibility problems can be tricky, but with a bit of troubleshooting, you might get it working smoothly again!
6 months, 2 weeks ago
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