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European escort directory for independent escorts, agencies and clubs
European escort directory for independent escorts, agencies and clubs.
How does an escort get married to a millionaire?
Every girl dreams of getting married successfully, so that her husband will take over the solution of all financial issues. Not everyone manages to get a rich groom. They have to go to various tricks, develop real strategies that allow them to access the selected object. As for girls working as escorts, it is much more difficult for them to marry a millionaire, despite close communication with such a category of men. It's all the fault of their reputation, which can compromise a rich man and make him a non-handshake in high society. Despite the categorical attitude towards the representatives of the leisure sector, some manage to get rich people into their networks and build harmonious family relations with them.
European escort directory for independent escorts, agencies and clubs
How to make the right decision?
Every escort girl who dreams of radically changing her life must decide on a goal. She should decide for herself exactly what she wants more – to be the mistress of a wealthy daddy or the wife of a millionaire. In the first case, she will have to be content with infrequent meetings, the purpose of which will be rather not a sincere communication between two loving people, but a banal satisfaction of sexual needs. For the intimate services rendered at the proper level, the girl will be generously rewarded. She can count on monthly financial support, expensive gifts, foreign travel, luxury shopping.
In the second case, the escort girl can successfully marry a rich man. Having given birth to his children, providing comprehensive support, becoming the keeper of the hearth, the girl will be fully provided and protected from pressing problems. Having become the legitimate wife of a millionaire, an escort can count on sincerity on his part, especially if he knows about her past.
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