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Farewell to family and search for funeral home
Hello, unfortunately I have heartbreaking news to tell you and it is that a very important relative passed away today, this whole situation is hurting me a lot but why am I telling this here because I need your help to find a funeral home that has excellent service to be able to say goodbye to my relative in the most honest and respectful way, perhaps someone here can recommend me a completely professional funeral home?
lamente - Hello, I am very sorry for what you say, 1 month ago I lost my dear grandfather and I perfectly understand your pain, it is something that does not usually heal quickly, I send you a lot of encouragement and a lot of strength, time will heal some of the pain
3 weeks, 2 days ago
freshcolim - my God! What bad news, luckily it hasn't happened to me but no one is above this type of thing, unfortunately nothing lasts forever, my deepest condolences to you and your entire family, I send you many blessings. Have you tried searching for funeral homes in specific search engines? Google? there are usually several there
3 weeks, 2 days ago
jack81 - I don't know any funeral home to recommend to you since something like this has never happened to me but I promise to search and when I find the best one I will return here to tell you their contact directly, as they have already told you, my deepest condolences to you and your entire family
3 weeks, 2 days ago
coteto - First of all, my deepest condolences, I completely understand your pain, second, the time we hired a funeral home for our dear aunt, we hired this one here they are very respectful but above all very professional, I am sure they will give you the such a respectful and professional farewell that you need to give, check the site carefully before hiring them to see if it is what you are looking for but in my experience I can confirm that yes, my deepest condolences to you and all your family members, that God blessed them and May your beloved family rest in peace, amen!
3 weeks, 2 days ago
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