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google cloud platform service do they work and where to get it?
I will be very brief, I need to perform system maintenance and patch the system of the company where I work, in turn monitor and get resolution of each of the problems that exist in the company, I have been told that there is something called "Google Cloud Platform" and who can help me with all this, is this true? Where can I get this kind of services?
piaf - Yes it is a cloud system . The market for a cloud system is quite large and the choice of specialists will be difficult . As there is a popular google cloud also has Kubernetes. In any case, I can not tell you something as I find out, I will write to you professional guys. They usually do not hire people without experience and feedback from past jobs.
12 months ago
pylypp21 - There are professionals on the Internet who are engaged in such cases. Since the issue is serious, then you should also take a serious approach to choosing employees. First consult, find out everything you need, and then just get to work
12 months ago
pylypp21 - There are professionals on the Internet who are engaged in such cases. Since the issue is serious, then you should also take a serious approach to choosing employees. First consult, find out everything you need, and then just get to work
12 months ago
agneska09 - Google cloud platform uses numerous sites and servers, the cloud system allows you to define image content, offer a solution to improve customer service and allow you to develop sound and text applications. In short, Google cloud system has many advantages. In a company, the right use of cloud system or software leads to the success of the company .
12 months ago
agneska09 - Google cloud platform uses numerous sites and servers, the cloud system allows you to define image content, offer a solution to improve customer service and allow you to develop sound and text applications. In short, Google cloud system has many advantages. In a company, the right use of cloud system or software leads to the success of the company .
12 months ago
vanya13 - Now Google's cloud platforms are used very actively, because it helps to significantly optimize data management and reduce additional infrastructure management costs. They say that Google Cloud Platform is just using the best technologies, a reliable and stable platform.
11 months, 4 weeks ago
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