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How can I monitor my progress while using Fildena 100?
Monitoring your progress while using Fildena 100 or any medication for erectile dysfunction (ED) can help you assess its effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments. Maintain a journal to record your experiences with Fildena 100. Note the date and time you take the medication, as well as the dosage. Describe your sexual encounters, including any changes in your ability to achieve and maintain an erection, the duration of your erections, and your overall satisfaction. Keep track of how often you use Fildena 100. This will help you understand if there is a pattern in its usage and whether you are achieving the desired results consistently. Pay attention to how well Fildena 100 works for you. Note whether it helps you achieve and sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Be honest about the level of improvement you experience.
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