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How can I use WhatsApp to stay in touch with my contacts?
Using WhatsApp to stay in touch with your contacts is a great way to keep connected. With its easy to use interface and wide range of features, WhatsApp provides an efficient and effective solution for staying in touch with your contacts. Here are a few tips on how you can use WhatsApp to stay in touch with your contacts.

1. Set up WhatsApp

The first step to using WhatsApp is to set up the app on your smartphone or tablet. You can download WhatsApp from the App Store or Google Play Store. Once you have downloaded the app, you will need to create an account and enter your contact information.

2. Add Contacts

Once you have set up your account, you can add contacts to your WhatsApp. You can add contacts either by searching for them using their phone number, or by importing contacts from your phone’s address book. Once you have added all your contacts to your WhatsApp, you can start to communicate with them via the app.

3. Send Messages allows you to send text, photo, and video messages to your contacts. You can also share your location with your contacts, as well as attach documents and audio recordings to your messages.

4. Make Voice and Video Calls

WhatsApp also allows you to make voice and video calls with your contacts. You can either make a voice or video call one-on-one or with up to four people at the same time.
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