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How do you improve condition of your car?
I mean, how often do you carry out self-diagnostics, because it seems to me that it is quite expensive to do this at a service station. Therefore, I decided that it would be possible to purchase such a scanner for myself. If you have made such purchases, please share the online stores for this!
kerog - I usually carry out auto diagnostics by myself, because I understand quite a lot in this area. I regularly check the levels of engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, transmission fluid, and other essential fluids and top them up or replace them as needed. However, this is not always enough and that is why I recently bought an auto diagnostic scanner in the <a href=""> store</a>. And I will tell you - it is quite a convenient thing and I think it should be in the inventory of every car user!
9 months, 2 weeks ago
kerog - <url=""> store</url>.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
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