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How Do You Know You're Being Bugged Through Your Gadgets?
You've probably noticed strange things. You were texting with a friend about something or chatting with a friend, holding your phone close. Then you went on the Internet and - whoa! - You saw an advertisement for the very thing you were talking about. A logical thought: gadgets are watching us whether we want them to or not. Is it a myth, coincidence or truth?

If you need to track a person's phone, use this site:

The iPhone begins to listen to you after you say special commands, such as "Hello, Siri. Before that, the microphone does not work, the system is waiting for a signal from the owner of the device, Apple said.

It's the same with the voice assistant Google Assistant: it won't activate without the right command. Can listen to us other Google services - mail, maps, and so on.

And with some applications for Android, things are not so rosy. The New York Times found out that several games on Google Play are infected with the Alphonso virus. It activates speakers and listens to the sounds around you to find out what TV shows you're watching. And then sells that information to advertisers.
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