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How does e-commerce help companies grow?
How does e-commerce help companies expand their business in the global marketplace and what obstacles can arise?
foxxi - By offering products or services online, companies can reach customers beyond their local area and expand their market share. This can lead to increased sales and revenue. E-commerce also eliminates the need for a physical store, reducing overhead costs associated with rent, utilities, and inventory. Additionally, e-commerce provides valuable data insights that can be used to improve customer engagement and drive sales. This can lead to increased customer loyalty . Overall, ecommerce web development company provides companies with the opportunity to reach new customers, streamline their operations, and drive growth.
11 months, 4 weeks ago
peter532 - Despite all the advantages of e-commerce, it also has its disadvantages. Some consumers may not trust online shopping and prefer traditional stores, and there may be problems with delivery or returns. However, as technology improves and trust in online platforms grows, e
11 months, 4 weeks ago
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