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How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay Step by Step
When essay writer write the perfect literary analysis essay for your assignment, you first need to understand the concept of a literary analysis. Analysis refers to the in-depth examination or study of specific attributes and structure of something. A literary analysis is analyzing the essential feature of a literary piece in order to explain what idea the author is trying to convey. These essential features mainly include explaining the use of certain concepts that comprise a description of the plot, characters, symbolism, imagery or metaphors and foreshadowing (incase or poems), settings, narration, attitudes, irony, etc.

It is easy to get confused between a literary analysis essay and an argumentative essay. Although very similar, a literary essay is different from an argumentative essay in the sense that the former is specifically related to “writing” or “literature” only, such as poems, novels, short stories, or any other genre of literature. When write my essay for me about a literary analysis essay, you must convince the reader of your stance using evidence developed from the literature you are studying.

Basically, a literary piece is a description or close study of the text, its meaning, and ideas to explore why the author made certain choices, and these choices are then expressed as a subjective opinion. But one must keep in mind that an opinion is only as good as the evidence that supports it. If you find the collection of evidence as a hectic task you can always choose a professional essay writer to help you with this part.

An analysis of literature requires compact organization of central ideas in a thesis statement and a proper conclusion. If you have your assignment due tomorrow and are overwhelmed by this blog’s information you can always ask for hundreds of Dissertation Writing Services that exist online. These services have a user-friendly platform that provides essay writing services personalized to your choices.

The first step of writing a literary analysis is reading thoroughly. Carefully read and understand the author’s views and ideas he/she is trying to convey. Read the topic thoroughly and ask yourself a few questions to narrow down your ideas. For example, if it is a novel, ask yourself.

What is the plot?
Who are the main characters?
What literary devices are used?
Why did the author choose to write this?
Step 2 is choosing a topic for your literary essay that interests you. If your instructor has not assigned you a topic then choose one that you can focus on and enjoy reading. Choosing an interesting topic is important not only for you but for your audience as well since they will be the ones reading your essay.

The next step is the thesis statement which should answer the questions of “What and Why”. What are your claims? Why should the reader care? or why is your claim important? A clear and properly structured thesis statement is what puts your essay on top of the rest. Here’s an example of a poor and good thesis statement: Khalid Hosseini’s novel “The Kite Runner” is a good novel. Here the writer is only giving an opinion and not a stance that intends to prove the argument of the paper. Stated in a proper way the statement could be “In his novel “The Kite Runner” Khalid Hosseini examines the subject of guilt and repentance and demonstrates that irrespective of the duration of a person's life, he or she will always have a notion of guilt that affects his or her experiences of life.” In this example, the writer is giving a stance and explaining why the stance is taken.

Once you have understood your thesis statement and developed a clear idea of what you want to write about, the fourth step is to write the introduction. This part just introduces the reader to what they should expect to read about and a brief one-line or maximum two-line background of the topic. The best way to start an introduction is with a hook. If you don’t know how to write an attention-grabbing hook statement you can always ask some essay writer online for help.

Although the introduction comes prior to the thesis statement, it is better to first be clear of your stance then move forward to work out a basic intro. From personal experience, I have learned that writing an introduction after the body paragraph is easier. Because every person collects evidence first to support their claim and writes body paragraphs without realizing the difference between introduction and body paragraphs.

After the introduction is put in place you move forward to writing your body paragraphs. A good literary essay includes one body paragraph for each of the stances you took in your thesis statement. A body paragraph is composed of a topic sentence, followed by a premise, and supporting evidence for that premise. Use transition words like “moreover”, “however”, “furthermore” for a smooth flow of the paragraphs. All arguments in a body paragraph must end with a conclusion that links back to the thesis statement.

The final step to essay writer service for the perfect literary essay is the conclusion, which sums up the discussion and restates how your literary analysis reflects the plotline and ideas of the author. Always keep in mind to never introduce new ideas or give evidence in conclusion, it only makes the reader clear about the chosen topic and the reason behind your stance or claim. Basically, the conclusion should only emphasize why your points are logical and how your body paragraphs prove them.

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