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In which online stores do you buy men's and women's clothing in the USA?
Hello everyone from the state of Texas. When we were still unmarried and my wife and I did not have children, shopping was the best time we spent together. Unfortunately, it is not very convenient to go shopping and choose, buy clothes for ourself now, because the children are crying or they are asking for food. I want to suggest to my wife to take a closer look at the clothes that are sold in online stores. Please tell me where you buy quality men's and women's clothing?
febesinnaeve - I can give you, the author, some advice on buying women's clothes. I haven't spent time shopping for a long time, because it's much more convenient to sit in front of a computer screen and, knowing my size, choose my wardrobe and receive all the things I liked by mail. Just know that cheap clothes in online stores are always of poor quality. It is better to buy more expensive clothes. For example, I really like the quality of things from the Yves Salomon brand, which I usually buy here
11 months, 1 week ago
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