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In which service to find quality music without copyrights
Which service has the largest selection of quality uncopyrighted music? If anyone uses such services, can you recommend them, as well as how much you pay per month for using such a service?
raniwe - I've only seen a couple of these services, but it was mostly instrumental music. That's exactly what I needed for my project. If you need, I can share a similar service. I pay about $8 to $10.
2 years, 1 month ago
vasilbegdov - Thanks for the offer, but I need more electronic music along with acoustic music, I don't particularly need instrumental music. The direction of the ads I create is a bit different.
2 years, 1 month ago
raniwe - Now if you use Google to find a fairly good service is not difficult. I create short 3d videos for a small company. So to speak promo videos of their products. I use royalty free music from this service. Monthly subscription is 5 dollars, very reasonable price for so much music they provide. You can find music in different directions. From EDM to more peaceful classical music. We often use acoustic music, for example.
2 years, 1 month ago
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