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Investing: where to begin?
I just got my first real job after five years of university. So that means that it's time to start considering how to invest the money I make. But the whole process feels a bit daunting. There are a lot of grifters out there and I want to make sure that I don't do anything stupid.

So does ERA have any good advice. And where can I find good sources to learn more?

EDIT: Oh sorry, should have said I'm from Sweden so I don't think 401k applies
kiwimax - Get to Maxing out your 401k contributions first and foremost before doing the open market.
2 months ago
rickytiller - "I was in the same boat - clueless and a bit intimidated. But I quickly learned that starting slow and steady is the way to go. Think of it like planting seeds in a garden - you gotta nurture 'em before they grow into mighty oaks.
So, my advice? Look into index funds or ETFs to dip your toes in the water. They're like the training wheels of investing - low risk but still help your money grow over time. Plus, they're easy to manage, which is a win-win.
Oh, and speaking of blogs, I stumbled upon this one about VC NYC firms that might have some nuggets of wisdom for you: . Give it a read and see if it helps demystify the investing game."
2 months ago
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