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Magento 2 Saved Credit Card
Magento 2 Saved Credit Card by Meetanshi lets customers save their credit card details in the Magento 2 database using built in encryption for offline order processing.

The default offered the feature to save credit card details in encrypted format for offline order processing. However the Magento 2 platform does not support it. To overcome this default limitation, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Saved Credit Card extension.

The extension allows customers to save the credit card information in the database using the Magento's built-in encryption mechanism. Use the method when you have a card terminal in a brick and mortar store or have access to a virtual terminal.

Note: It is advisable to check the PCI Compliance standard applying to your country before using the Magento 2 Saved Credit Card module.

For more info, visit :
millie - Magento 2 is a free open-source e-commerce platform that allows business owners to easily sell goods online. In the past, Magento was only available to businesses with a credit card, but now with the new version of Magento 2, credit card holders can have a free trial and manage their own Magento 2 store. Visiting website is good for us. This means that they no longer need to sign up for another service and pay a monthly fee.
1 year, 6 months ago
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