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Need professional video translators from Portuguese to English
We from Portugal are just great at cooking fish and seafood. We have such dishes in the first places. And of course, how to cook them properly, we have a bunch of videos in Portuguese on this occasion. We want these videos to be seen by English-speaking people as well. Therefore, we need to translate our videos into English.
pylypp21 - This can be done independently, but sometimes there is not enough time and effort for this, so in this case it would be better to contact specialists who will do this work for you. One of the options I can offer is to place an ad on the stock exchange, where it will be quickly seen
8 months, 1 week ago
glorypal - Translating your Portuguese videos into English will definitely help you reach a wider audience and showcase your cooking skills internationally. There's a diverse community of food enthusiasts out there who would love to learn your techniques and savor the unique flavors of Portugal's cuisine. Best of luck with the translation process, and I'm sure your videos will be a hit among English-speaking viewers!
8 months, 1 week ago
franksina - By doing so, you'll open the door to a much larger audience and share your culinary expertise on a global scale. People all over the world are passionate about food and eager to learn new cooking techniques. Your unique take on Portugal's cuisine will undoubtedly captivate English-speaking viewers and introduce them to the rich flavors your country has to offer.
8 months, 1 week ago
agneska09 - I agree it is possible to translate it yourself . If you speak English well enough, you can translate the video into English yourself. However, please note that for quality translation you need to have translation skills and know the terminology related to cooking fish and seafood. And if it is really difficult for you to understand the terminology better contact this service translation at the highest level . As we have ordered translation many times for the company and were very satisfied.
8 months, 1 week ago
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