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“Passage to India”
Book Reviews of “Passage to India”

E.M. Forster wrote the novel “Passage to India” which was published in 1924. The story is set in the 1920s, during the time when the British occupation in India was about to end. The novel is considered one of the greatest works in English literature and has been adapted to film, television and theater. Book reviews of “Passage to India” discuss the plot, characters, themes and symbolism found in the novel.

A book review discusses several elements found in a story thus it is recommended to read examples of book reviews such as book reviews of Samuel Richardson’s “Pamela”, “Band of Brothers “ book reviews or book reviews of “A Farewell to Arms”. Doing so will help you better understand the important literary elements to discuss in a book review. Also, reliable sources on “Passage to India” as well as examples of book reviews from the website should be consulted in order to write better quality book reviews of “Passage to India”.

A brief biography of the author can serve as an interesting introduction for book reviews of “Passage to India”. E.M. Forster used his inspirational experiences from when he went to India to write this novel. Book reviews of “Passage to India” should then present the plot of the novel and discuss the relationship between the Indians and Anglo-Indians also known as Britons living in India. An analysis of the major characters in the novel, such as Dr. Aziz, Cyril Fielding, Mrs. Moore, Adela Quested should then follow in book reviews of “Passage to India”. The themes of prejudice, friendship, truth and love should be explained and discussed in book reviews of “Passage to India” as well. Finally, book reviews of “Passage to India” should explore the meaning of the Marabar caves in the story and discuss their importance in the novel.
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