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I am planning to use an agency I want to rewrite my essay about penology. Hope some of the following information will also help me. Malcolm X and Jack Henry Abbott spent many years of their life in prison, but the reasons why they were put there were quite different. Malcolm X was accused of larceny. In prison he was “miserable and bitter in such bleak and filthy surroundings” (DeCaro, 1998, p.74). Jack Abbott was imprisoned because of the forgery, but his behavior was violent and aggressive even in prison. He killed a man there and his sentence was significantly increased up to 19 years. Both Malcolm X and Jack Abbott were deprived of proper family care.
However, it is necessary to draw attention to the different ways these two famous persons chose after leaving the prison. In case of Malcolm X, his term in prison gave him a push towards the brave activities aimed at defending the rights of black people. He exerted every effort to struggle with the system that did not allow the blacks to enjoy the same privileges as the white American population. On the contrary, Jack Abbott escaped from the prison to rob a bank in Chicago and he was put to prison again. After being released on parole, he continued to behave aggressively showing no respect for the society and stabbed a young man at the restaurant when he did not allow him using the staff toilet.
Both Malcolm X and Jack Abbott created a very detailed and emotional writings about their lives in prison. However, Malcolm X used his writings to find inner harmony and stipulated his life purpose. Prison helped him to find his religion and strengthened him in his struggle for human rights. Jack Abbott obviously had great literary talent, but his writings were only observations and very good description of prison life, and they did not change his way of thinking. The works of these two persons could be a great source for understanding the relations between prisoners as they did not change much since then. The look from inside can provide useful information concerning the process of making the corrections more effective.
To define the most effective punishment for a convicted terrorist who killed 8 people, it is necessary to take into account not only the scale of the damage he or she did to the society, but also the circumstances that influenced the criminal’s choice of such a terrible act. Only the complex approach to this problem can give enough information to choose the best possible method of dealing with such terrorist.
It could give good results if the punishment was a combination of two theories – rehabilitation and retribution. Other methods, for example incapacitation, can also be employed, but the focus should be put on these two approaches as they are more likely to give a person the chance to change his or her way of thinking and genuinely alter the values. It may appear a mild punishment for a terrorist who took the lives of 8 people, but the main purpose of any punishment should be to change the person, not just isolate him or her from the community, and try to turn the criminal into a full and righteous member of the society. The prisons should deal with the inner causes, not just outer results and consequences. So the person who committed such crime should be sent to the prison with rehabilitation focus for more than 12 years, but after 12 years the person’s behavior and ideas should be evaluated and if they change, the prisoner may be released on parole. This term is long enough to deter others from committing such crimes, but at the same time it gives a person the chance to start a new life after they are released.
Capital punishment should not be applied here and in any other case. All countries in the world should substitute it for life imprisonment as no civilized moral society should employ such punishment.
The ideal prison should be located in the forest. First of all, it would give the prisoners an opportunity to observe the nature that is sure to have a good influence on their psychology. They would be isolated from towns and cities and would not depress surrounding people making the district where it is located undesirable for living. The prison should accept young offenders up to the age of 30 as its focus would be on rehabilitation and not on deterrence. The crimes they committed can be different, from minor thefts to murders; the same situation is with their term in the prison – from a year to life imprisonment. However, the number of the convicts should not be very large. It should be lower than 200 people.
One of the main features of this prison that the inmates would be occupied most part of the day with some activities. It would be both useful jobs and recreation, but idleness and boredom should be minimized. Most of these activities should create something, for example, making furniture, painting pictures, etc.
The methods applied in this prison should be closely connected with the principles of the restorative justice that can “keep young people and especially young people of color out of the criminal justice system, out of the school-to-prison pipeline”. All the inmates should have regular conversation with psychologists and after certain time they should get a chance of being released on parole. Such a prison may be very effective in eliminating recidivism.
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