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T-shirt printing queries
How can I edit the photo to remove all background and replace it with what ultimately be the t-shirt colour?

Also, can anyone recommend where to have it printed on the t-shirt please?
toms23roy - For editing a photo to remove the background, I've used free online tools like Canva or Adobe Spark, which are user-friendly and can easily help you replace the background with the desired t-shirt color. As for printing, when my sports team needed jerseys, we went with a company specializing in bulk t-shirt printing for teams. They offered a variety of materials and quality options that suited our budget and design needs. We chose a breathable, moisture-wicking fabric that was perfect for our games. The price was reasonable, and the print quality was durable, holding up well through many washes. I recommend checking out to inquire details about specific printing needs.
1 week, 4 days ago
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