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Too embarrassed to go back
This has been weighing on me since the beginning of the semester. Last year, I attended both group and individual therapy through the school's counseling centre. When the semester ends, so does the treatment. At the end of the year, my therapist told me she thought that though I could potentially benefit from more therapy, if I didn't go back I would be OK.
I know in my head that she was trying to be encouraging and soothe my emotions because I was crying, but in my heart, I can't help but feel ashamed that I want to go back. Though I realize that I am internalizing something that was likely not intended to be taken that way, I feel like I would be disappointing her and myself by not being strong enough. Therapy has given me so many tools and now I am more equipped to deal with my emotions and I've definitely taken major steps to cope with my trauma in and out of therapy. I'm no longer afraid to ask for help when I'm feeling bad- which is why I'm here! That's all thanks to therapy. I want to have more tools like that and more support. I want the help, but I can't shake the feeling that going back is admitting that I'm weak and stupid and I can't do it on my own.

Has anyone else ever felt this way? If so, what did you do to fight the feeling or how did you ease yourself back into therapy?
vinndorff - Therapies are extremely beneficial for you; you don't need to be embarrassed to return. Therapies helped me a lot when I had grief and loss . I lost my father, and I was feeling so stressed and had several problems with anxiety. I wasn't feeling good, so I went to a psychotherapist because I needed help. After one month of therapy, I started to feel better and began to enjoy life again. It was a difficult period in my life, and I am very happy that I was able to overpass it and continue living after my loss.
1 year, 9 months ago
sawyer - tba ms f
1 year, 9 months ago
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