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Wedding help
Hi all, I need your help. I have a wedding coming up and I'm completely inexperienced in this business. I do not know what the best dress to choose is and where to hold the wedding, maybe you have some ideas or options where it's all better to find and how to do it? I would be very grateful for any advice.
jack43 - Hello Wanda! I can't help you with the dress, but I have ideas for the wedding. We flew to the Canary Islands island of Tenerife - ocean, good service, delicious food. If you want to have a honeymoon and to remember for a lifetime, then think about it.
1 year, 3 months ago
wandaorta - Thank you Jack for the great advice about the honeymoon, but about the wedding organization itself and the choice of the dress remain an open question.
1 year, 3 months ago
brittanygordon - Hello Wanda. I had just a beautiful wedding that I will remember for the rest of my life. We spent a long time looking for a country and companies to do it with and came across a blog on the internet marriage in georgia country that described all the pros and cons of having a wedding in Georgia. After that, we began to study about this country and its culture and were just impressed with how wonderful a country where a wedding can be held at the highest level and with a good level of organization because there are many companies that do it. I hope my advice will help you. Good luck!
1 year, 3 months ago
serek - What to give as a gift to a teacher? This question has plagued me for years now, when the moment of celebration arrives. Fortunately, there is the Internet, which helps to find the right option. I recommend reading the article .
1 year, 3 months ago
oliver21 - This is a great article! I'm planning a wedding and I'm looking for ways to decorate the cake . This article has some great ideas that I can use. I'm especially interested in the idea of using edible flowers to decorate the cake. Thanks for sharing this article!
1 year, 1 month ago
oliver21 - This is a great article! I'm planning a wedding and I'm looking for ways to decorate the cake . This article has some great ideas that I can use. I'm especially interested in the idea of using edible flowers to decorate the cake. Thanks for sharing this article!
1 year, 1 month ago
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