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Scott Mawhinney - 3D printer in Glenroy, Vic 3046

Scott Mawhinney

Glenroy, VIC 3046

3D printing $0.50 /cm³

CAD design $25.00 /hour

Things I've Made

About me

I am an Industrial Designer that specialises in 3d printing and CAD modelling, I have a lot of experience in modelling for miniatures and remote control objects for personal use. I have a lot of experience with drafting and printing moving parts that require mechanical tolerances used with stock parts such as bearings bolts, cogs etc.

Currently I am running an Anet A8 that has been upgraded mechanically and will be upgraded soon to the Skynet system with auto bed levelling sensors. I plan to expand my machines to a Prusa and then a custom large format printer suitable for prototype models such as cars electronic devices and full face props.

At the moment I am printing a Green Dragon Miniature for the D&D group that I DM, I am also making a 'mug' that holds my soft drink can. These are both displayed in my gallery.

My Services

Anet A8

3D printer

PLA Plastic

• Grey,

• Platform 220 x 220 x 240 (mm)