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Shopping Trolley Coin Key

Tired fumbling for coins when you reach out for a shopping trolley at Woolworths, Aldi or another store?

Look no more! This nifty little key goes right into your keychain ready for the next time you need a $2 coin. What's better, you push it in and turn to take it out once the lock pops out! So your keychain goes safely into your pocket while you shop around.

It makes life so easy and is certainly worth a buy! Come pick it up in a few days after you confirm your order or pay for shipping to get it at your doorstep for a hassle-free experience.

Get a $3 discount if you pick it up in person.

If you want them in bulk (10 or more) let me know and we can work out a better price.

(I have two versions, one with a round hole and another one with an oblong hole depending on what you prefer to use. And it comes in 3 colours grey, green and blue. Let me know what you'd like when you contact me.)

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Tired fumbling for coins when you reach out for a shopping trolley at Woolworths, Aldi or another store?

Look no more! This nifty little key goes right into your keychain ready for the next time you need a $2 coin. What's better, you push it in and turn to take it out once the lock pops out! So your keychain goes safely into your pocket while you shop around.

It makes life so easy and is certainly worth a buy! Come pick it up in a few days after you confirm your order or pay for shipping to get it at your doorstep for a hassle-free experience.

Get a $3 discount if you pick it up in person.

If you want them in bulk (10 or more) let me know and we can work out a better price.

(I have two versions, one with a round hole and another one with an oblong hole depending on what you prefer to use. And it comes in 3 colours grey, green and blue. Let me know what you'd like when you contact me.)